About the Groomer

About the Groomer


Jennifer Walker, Owner

Jennifer Walker is the owner of Topeka Area Grooming Services (TAGS) in Topeka, KS. TAGS operates both as a full service mobile salon and in a stationary location at 4000 SW 21st. She began working in the pet industry in 1998 as a dog trainer and grooming assistant.

Jennifer spent 3 years at Emporia State University then attended the Paragon School of Pet Grooming. In 2007 she was the first and, to date, only student to have graduated as an International Certified Master Groomer with IPGA. She created the Facebook groups International Pet Styles and Kansas Groomers, both in an effort to build camaraderie worldwide and locally among grooming professionals. Jennifer is an avid pursuant of continuing education opportunities and tries to attend at least two industry conferences per year. She is certified in pet first aid and CPR and believes in working with clients and their veterinarians to provide the best care for each animals needs.

When Jennifer is not at work, she stays busy with her four children’s activities, primarily soccer and baseball. Her home life consists of turkeys, ducks, goats, countless chickens, 3 dogs, 4 cats, and 2 parrots. Jennifer is a fan of the Chicago Cubs, the Kansas City Chiefs, and Kansas University. In the rare spare moments, she enjoys reading, riding horses, visiting beaches, and having quiet time.
